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Text File | 1997-06-18 | 12.4 KB | 429 lines | [TEXT/gsVR] |
- % Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- %
- % This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
- %
- % Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author
- % or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
- % or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
- % or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public
- % License (the "License") for full details.
- %
- % Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
- % normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
- % the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only
- % under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the
- % License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
- % all copies.
- % ProcSet for implementing CIDFont and CIDMap resources.
- % When this is run, systemdict is still writable.
- % ---------------- Defining CIDFont resources ---------------- %
- % Define a CIDFont resource. This is the defineresource implementation for
- % the CIDFont resource category.
- /.definecidfont [
- % CIDFontType 0
- { dup /FontMatrix known not
- { dup /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] put
- dup /FDArray get
- { /FontMatrix get [1000 0 0 1000 0 0] 1 index concatmatrix pop }
- forall
- }
- if
- dup /FDArray get mark exch
- { % Add pro forma entries
- dup /FontType 1 put
- dup /CharStrings 10 dict put
- dup /Encoding [] put
- % Create a dummy Subrs array now.
- dup /Private get dup /SubrCount .knownget
- { array 1 index /Subrs 3 -1 roll put }
- if pop
- dup /FontName .knownget not { () } if exch .buildfont1 exch pop
- }
- forall ] 1 index /FDepVector 3 -1 roll put
- 1 index exch .buildfont9 exch pop
- } bind
- % CIDFontType 1
- { 1 index exch .buildfont10 exch pop
- } bind
- % CIDFontType 2
- { 1 index exch .buildfont11 exch pop
- } bind
- ] def
- % ---------------- Reading CIDFontType 0 files ---------------- %
- 30 dict begin
- % We add the following entries to the CIDFont dictionary, in addition to
- % the ones documented by Adobe:
- % ReadString - procedure for reading a string from the binary data
- % SubrCache - dictionary for caching Subr arrays
- % For CIDFonts where we read the data from disk incrementally:
- % DataOffset - starting position of data in file
- % (if data are in hex) OffsetMap - map from logical data positions to
- % physical positions in file
- /StartData % <(Binary)|(Hex)> <datalength> StartData -
- % (currentdict is CID font dict)
- { % If we're loading a resource file, we can just save a
- % pointer to the binary data and load it incrementally.
- % Check for this by opening the resource file,
- % positioning it to currentfile's position plus the
- % data length, and checking for %%EndData.
- mark
- { currentfile fileposition
- CIDFontName 100 string ResourceFileName (r) file
- mark
- { % Stack: (Binary)|(Hex) length -mark- pos resfile
- % -mark-
- 5 index (Hex) eq
- { 1 index 3 index setfileposition
- 1 index 5 index .skiphex
- %**************** SKIP > AND WHITESPACE SOMEHOW
- }
- { 1 index 3 index 6 index add setfileposition
- }
- ifelse
- 1 index 9 string readstring pop (%%EndData) ne { stop } if
- }
- .internalstopped { cleartomark closefile stop } if
- pop % pop the mark
- }
- .internalstopped
- { % File is not positionable, load the data now.
- cleartomark exch (Hex) eq
- { { currentfile exch readhexstring pop } }
- { { currentfile exch readstring pop } }
- ifelse /ReadString exch def
- dup 65535 le
- { string ReadString
- }
- { mark exch
- { dup 0 eq { pop exit } if
- dup 65535 min dup string ReadString
- 3 1 roll sub
- }
- loop ]
- }
- ifelse
- /GlyphData exch def
- /.vmreadstring cvx
- }
- { % File is positionable, just save a pointer.
- % Stack: (Binary)|(Hex) length -mark- pos file
- 4 1 roll
- /DataOffset exch def
- pop /GlyphData exch def
- exch (Hex) eq
- { % Hex data, build the offset map.
- .buildoffsetmap
- /.hexreadstring
- }
- { % Binary data, just skip over it.
- currentfile DataOffset GlyphData add setfileposition
- /.binaryreadstring
- }
- ifelse cvx
- 2 packedarray cvx
- }
- ifelse /ReadString exch def
- /SubrCache 10 dict def
- CIDFontName currentdict /CIDFont defineresource pop
- end % CID font dict
- end % resource category dict
- } bind def
- % Skip a given distance in an ASCIIHex encoded file. We use this at
- % rendering time as well.
- /.skiphex % <file> <count> .skiphex -
- { exch /ASCIIHexDecode filter dup 3 -1 roll () /SubFileDecode filter
- dup flushfile closefile closefile
- } bind def
- % Build the map from logical offsets to physical offsets in ASCIIHex
- % encoded data.
- /.buildoffsetmap
- { /OffsetMap GlyphData 256 idiv 8000 min array def
- 2 dict begin
- /block GlyphData OffsetMap length idiv def
- 0 1 OffsetMap length 1 sub
- { OffsetMap exch currentfile fileposition put
- currentfile block .skiphex
- }
- for
- GlyphData block mod dup 0 eq
- { pop }
- { currentfile exch .skiphex }
- ifelse
- end % scratch dict
- } bind def
- currentdict end
- % ---------------- Rendering ---------------- %
- % ------ Generic ------ %
- % Read a string at a given offset in a "file" (binary file, ASCII hex file,
- % or GlyphData in RAM).
- /.binaryreadstring % <pos> <string> <file> .binaryreadstring <string>
- { dup 4 -1 roll DataOffset add setfileposition exch readstring pop
- } bind def
- /.hexreadstring % <pos> <string> <file> .hexreadstring <string>
- { % Use the OffsetMap to get to the block of hex data,
- % then skip to the correct position by reading.
- GlyphData OffsetMap length idiv
- % Stack: pos string file blocklen
- 3 index 1 index idiv OffsetMap exch get
- 2 index exch setfileposition
- % Skip the next (pos % blocklen) hex bytes.
- 4 -1 roll exch mod 1 index exch .skiphex
- % Stack: string file
- exch readhexstring pop
- } bind def
- /.vmreadstring % <pos> <string> .vmreadstring <vmstring>
- { GlyphData .stringsreadstring
- } bind def
- /.stringsreadstring % <pos> <string> <strings> .stringsreadstring
- % <vmstring>
- { dup type /stringtype eq
- { 3 1 roll length getinterval
- }
- { { % Stack: pos string glyphdata
- dup 0 get length dup 4 index gt { exit } if
- 4 -1 roll exch sub 3 1 roll
- dup length 1 sub 1 exch getinterval
- }
- loop
- % Stack: pos string glyphdata glyphdata[0]length
- % We know no request can span more than 2 strings.
- 3 index 3 index length add 1 index le
- { % Request fits in a single string: just return a substring.
- pop 0 get 3 1 roll length getinterval
- }
- { % Request spans 2 strings. Copy the first part.
- 1 index 0 get 4 index 3 -1 roll 1 index sub getinterval
- 2 index copy
- % Copy the second part.
- % Stack: pos str glyphdata str1
- length exch 1 get 0 3 index length
- 3 index sub getinterval 2 index 3 1 roll putinterval
- exch pop
- }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse
- } bind def
- % Interpret a byte string as a (big-endian) integer.
- /.cvbsi % <bytes> .cvbsi <int>
- { 0 exch { exch 8 bitshift add } forall
- } bind def
- % Read an integer from binary data.
- /.readint % <pos> <nbytes> .readint <int>
- { string ReadString .cvbsi
- } bind def
- % Read the glyph data for a given CID.
- % The CIDFont is currentdict.
- /.readglyphdata % <cid> .readglyphdata <subfont> <string|null>
- { currentdict /GlyphDirectory .knownget
- { dup type /arraytype eq
- { 1 index exch get }
- { 1 index exch .knownget not { null } if }
- ifelse
- dup null eq
- { FDepVector 0 get exch }
- { FDBytes 0 eq
- { FDepVector 0 get exch }
- { % Note: FDBytes > 1 is not supported.
- dup 0 get FDepVector exch get
- exch dup length 1 sub 1 exch getinterval
- }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse
- }
- { FDBytes GDBytes add mul CIDMapOffset add
- dup FDBytes .readint exch
- FDBytes add dup GDBytes .readint
- exch GDBytes add FDBytes add GDBytes .readint
- % Stack: fd pos nextpos
- 1 index sub dup 0 eq
- { pop pop pop FDepVector 0 get null }
- { string ReadString exch FDepVector exch get exch }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse
- } bind def
- % ------ CIDFontType 0 ------ %
- % Read some Subrs for the current Type 1 subfont.
- % The subfont's Private dict is currentdict; the CIDFont itself is the
- % next dictionary on the stack.
- /.readsubrs % <Subrs> <start> .readsubrs <Subrs>
- { 1 SubrCount 1 sub
- { dup SDBytes mul SubrMapOffset add
- dup SDBytes .readint exch SDBytes add SDBytes .readint
- 1 index sub string ReadString 2 index 3 1 roll put
- }
- for
- } bind def
- % Ensure that all the Subrs for the current Type 1 subfont are loaded.
- % The subfont's Private dict is currentdict; the CIDFont itself is the
- % next dictionary on the stack.
- /.loadsubrs
- { currentdict /SubrMapOffset .knownget
- { Subrs 0 get null ne
- { pop % We've already loaded the Subrs.
- }
- { SubrCache 1 index .knownget
- { % We've already loaded some Subrs at this offset.
- % Make sure we've got as many as we need.
- dup length SubrCount lt
- { % We need to load more.
- SubrCount array exch 1 index copy length .readsubrs
- SubrCache 3 -1 roll 2 index put
- }
- if
- }
- { % We haven't loaded any Subrs at this offset yet.
- SubrCount array 0 .readsubrs
- SubrCache 3 -1 roll 2 index put
- }
- ifelse
- Subrs copy pop
- }
- ifelse
- }
- if
- } bind def
- % BuildGlyph procedure for CIDFontType 0.
- % ****** WHY NOT USE .type1execchar FOR THIS? ******
- % The name %Type9BuildGlyph is known to the interpreter.
- /.cid0buildstring 10 string def
- (%Type9BuildGlyph) cvn % <cidfont> <cid> %Type9BuildGlyph -
- { .currentglobal 3 1 roll 1 index gcheck .setglobal
- 1 index begin
- dup .readglyphdata dup null eq
- { %**** HANDLE NOTDEF ****
- }
- if
- % Stack: cidfont cid subfont charstring
- dup null eq { pop pop pop pop } { %**** WRONG ****
- 4 -1 roll pop
- exch dup /Private get begin .loadsubrs end
- 3 -1 roll //.cid0buildstring cvs cvn 3 1 roll
- dup /CharStrings get 3 index 4 -1 roll put
- setfont
- 1000 0 setcharwidth %**** WRONG ****
- 0 0 moveto glyphshow
- } ifelse %**** WRONG ****
- end
- .setglobal
- } bind def
- % ------ CIDFontType 2 ------ %
- % BuildGlyph procedure for CIDFontType 2.
- % ****** ADD THE OUTLINE STRING AS AN ARGUMENT TO .type42execchar. ******
- % The name %Type11BuildGlyph is known to the interpreter.
- (%Type11BuildGlyph) cvn % <cidfont> <cid> %Type11BuildGlyph -
- { .currentglobal 3 1 roll 1 index gcheck .setglobal
- 1 index begin
- dup GDBytes mul GDBytes string CIDMap .stringsreadstring .cvbsi
- % Stack: cidfont cid glyphindex
- %**************** GlyphDirectory is not supported yet.
- (
- currentdict /GlyphDirectory .knownget
- ) pop false
- { dup type /arraytype eq
- { 1 index exch get }
- { 1 index exch .knownget not { null } if }
- ifelse
- dup null eq
- }
- if
- 1 index exch .type42execchar
- }
- { 1 index exch .type42execchar
- }
- ifelse
- end
- .setglobal
- } bind def
- % ---------------- Define resources ---------------- %
- languagelevel exch 2 .setlanguagelevel
- % Define the CIDInit ProcSet resource.
- % The ProcSet dictionary is still on the stack.
- /CMap /Generic /Category findresource dup length dict .copydict
- /Category defineresource pop
- % We might have loaded CMap support already.
- /CIDInit /ProcSet 2 copy resourcestatus {
- pop pop findresource dup length 4 index length add dict .copydict
- 4 -1 roll exch .copydict
- } {
- 3 -1 roll
- } ifelse exch defineresource pop
- % Define the CIDFont resource category.
- /CIDFont /Generic /Category findresource dup length dict .copydict
- dup /InstanceType /dicttype put
- dup /DefineResource {
- dup /CIDFontType get dup 9 add /FontType exch 3 index 3 1 roll put
- //.definecidfont exch get exec
- /Generic /Category findresource /DefineResource get exec
- } put
- /Category defineresource pop
- currentdict /.definecidfont undef
- % Add the new FontType resources.
- 9 1 11 { dup /FontType defineresource pop } for
- % Add the new FMapType resource.
- 9 dup /FMapType defineresource pop
- % Define the CIDMap resource category.
- % These aren't documented, but it's clear what they are for:
- % to give names to CIDMaps for CIDFontType 2 fonts.
- /CIDMap /Generic /Category findresource dup length dict .copydict
- dup /.CheckResource {
- % Allow either a string or an array of strings.
- dup type dup /stringtype eq
- { pop true
- }
- { dup /arraytype eq exch /packedarraytype eq or
- { true exch { type /stringtype ne { pop false exit } if } forall
- }
- { false
- }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse
- } bind put
- /Category defineresource pop
- .setlanguagelevel